To apply for Long-Term Residence Authorization, it’s crucial to demonstrate five years of legal and continuous residency in Spain preceding the application.
While this is the primary route to obtaining a long-term permit, alternative pathways are available under the law. These include:
- Retirement Pension Beneficiary: Residents receiving a contributory retirement pension under the Spanish Social Security system.
- EU Blue Card Holder: Individuals who have resided for five continuous years in the EU as an EU Blue Card holder, with the last two years spent in Spain.
- Disability Pension Beneficiary: Those receiving permanent absolute disability or severe disability pensions under the Spanish Social Security system or similar benefits in Spain.
- Spanish-born Residents: Individuals born in Spain who have legally and continuously resided in the country for at least three consecutive years upon reaching adulthood.
- Former Spanish Nationals: Individuals who were Spanish by origin but lost their Spanish nationality.
- Wards of Spanish Public Entities: Residents who, upon reaching adulthood, have been under the guardianship of a Spanish public entity for the preceding five consecutive years.
- Stateless, Refugee, or Subsidiary Protection Beneficiaries: Individuals recognized as stateless, refugees, or beneficiaries of subsidiary protection in Spain.
- Significant Contributors to Spain: Those who have significantly contributed to Spain’s economic, scientific, or cultural progress, or its international projection, subject to approval by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security.

Applicants must not have a criminal or police record. However, recent rulings by the EU Court of Justice state that a criminal record alone cannot justify the denial of Long-Term Residence.
Unlike other authorizations, proof of financial means is not required for Long-Term Residence applications. While providing employment contracts or financial statements is optional, having them can bolster the application.
There’s no need to prove prior work activity or registration with the Social Security Regime when applying for Long-Term Residence.
Long-Term Residence Authorization grants the right to work both as an employee and self-employed individual without additional procedures.
Continuous and legal residency is crucial. Absences from Spain of up to six continuous months, not exceeding ten months within five years, are permissible. Work-related absences must not exceed one year within the five years.
In cases of extended absences from Spain, an extraordinary renewal of the two-year card is possible to prevent irregular status. Renewal requirements must still be met.
Applications for Long-Term Residence should be made electronically through platforms like Mercury or the Common Electronic Registry.
Once Long-Term Residence is granted, ascendants can be reunited. Long-Term Residence or Long-Term Residence U is required for ascendant reunification.